Honors & Awards

2015Labex DigiCosme ScholarshipLabex DigiCosme

2014First Prize with the short film "Amazing Dream"CUSC Action

2012 Award "First place in Competition to Enter the University 

A trophy by Academy Counsel of Chau Van Liem High School (CVL)

2012 Award "Western Capital Talent" 

A trophy by Study Encouragement Association of Can Tho

2011 Third Prize in Contest "Excellent Student of City" Education and training department

2009 Consolation Prize in Contest "French, My Passion" Can Tho University

2009 Third Prize in Contest "Excellent Student of City" Education and training department


10.2024 VQABG: Vietnamese question/answers benchmark generator for field-specific chatbot ground-truth dataset using EMINI (Exact Match wIth Numeric Information) indicator
CTU Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development , 16 (Special issue: ISDS)
Technical Keywords: Automatic question answering generator, Chatbot, Generative Artificial Intelligence, Vietnamese language

10.2024 GVEC: Generative Vietnamese Economy Chatbots Using Vietnamese Numeric Economy Information Question/Answer Dataset (VNEIQAD) Benchmark
2024 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC)
Technical Keywords: Automatic question answering generator, Chatbot, Generative Artificial Intelligence, Vietnamese language, Benchmark
ATC 2024 Program

08.2024 GVEC: A Generative Vietnamese Chatbot for Economy, Using Vietnamese Economy Information Database from VnEconomy Community
International Conference on Multimedia Analysis and Pattern Recognition 2024 (MAPR)
Technical Keywords: Large Language Models, GPTs, Retrieval-Augmented Generation, Economy
IEEE Explore 

08.2021 Optimizing Word Alignments with Better Subword Tokenization
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XVIII
Technical Keywords: Generative word alignment models, Subword Tokenization, Byte-Pair-Encoding, SentencePiece, Eflomal, Simalign
ACL Anthology

09.2020 Generative Latent Neural Models for Automatic Word Alignment
Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas
Technical Keywords: Variational Auto-encoder, Symmetry Constraints, Low-resource Languages
ACL Anthology

11.2019 Neural Baselines for Word Alignment
The 16th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation
Technical Keywords: Expectation-Maximization, Hidden Markov Models, Convolutional Neural Networks, Long Short-Term Memory Networks, Giza++, Fastalign
ACL Anthology